Very pretty perennial basil with peppery taste and gorgeous flowers.
10 in stock
Even if you don’t want to ever use it, this perennial basil makes a show when flowering. It is a very stiff plant, suitable for holding up other plants in your perennial border. I grow mine in a sunny spot but green pepper basil is also happy with partial shade or shade. The leaves are better if grown with a bit of shade.
Our bees and other pollinators love this plant!
The flavour and fragrance is similar to green pepper mixed with basil.
The plant was discovered in the 1990s in Chiapas, Mexico and was part of the of the Mayan pharmacopoeia.
Green pepper basil is a little bit cold-hardier than other basils, if you grow it in colder climates successfully, please leave a comment below! I would be also interested if anyone uses it as a medicinal herb.