Food Forest Plants

Food Forest Plants

Cats Whiskers, Java Tea, Orthosiphon aristatus, O. stamineus, White

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One of the prettiest medicinal plants, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, for kidney complaints and more.


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Cats whiskers is so pretty! I planted it in the front yard together with taro, chillies and cranberry hibiscus. Cats whiskers attracts native bees and honey bees.

The recognized medicinal used according to the commission E is: flushing the urinary tract, especially with inflammations and renal gravel, and support in eliminating bacterial infections of the urinary tract. It has also demonstrated anti-micobial properties.

It is also used for its antimicrobial and anti-hypertensive activity. 

The flowers are edible and make beautiful garnishes. Fresh leaves can be used to enhance salads, especially when paired with a citrus dressing.

It can be grown in full sun or part shade. Drought-resistant but frost-tender. In our area it grows approximately to 1 m or even less.

Other names: Indian kidney tea, Java tea”.