Food Forest Plants

Food Forest Plants

Yarrow, Achillea Millefolium

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Versatile medicinal plant for the sunny spot. Also useful in the compost and for garden preparations.


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Yarrow has so many medicinal and garden uses too many to list. If I use this herb for one thing than these are nasty deep cuts (secateur). A must for a gardener and woodworkers!

  • colds and flu
  • stomach ulcers
  • amenorrhea (the absence of a menstrual period)
  • abdominal cramps
  • abscesses
  • trauma and bleeding
  • reduce inflammation
  • bleeding ulcers
  • heavy menstrual periods
  • uterine hemorrhage
  • blood in the urine
  • bleeding from the bowels
  • antibiotic properties
  • bleeding hemorrhoids
  • relieve pain associated with gynecologic conditions, digestive disorders, and other conditions
  • endometriosis

Yarrow has a  bitter taste. You can add the leaves to salads and omelettes; sparingly so as not to over power the dish. Yarrow also makes an interesting addition to chicken soups and stews. Yarrow flowers make a wonderful aromatic wine.

Yarrow is easy to grow, likes full sun, neglect and a dry spot. There are a lot of ‘improved’ cultivars for the ornamental garden, my guess is, that they might cross with your medicinal yarrow and lessen the effectiveness.