The main use of mukombero or white’s ginger root is as a natural viagra. It grows wild in sub-Saharan Africa. In many countries of Africa mukombero is also used against depression, for stress, to ease labour pain, sleep enhancer, mild laxative, but also has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic (against worms) properties. The root also increases energy and vigour.
Traditionally root pieces are chewed.
The root is also used to make a ginger beer like beverage or a wine. The root is also used as a condiment, especially with meat.
The leaves are eaten fresh or dried. The early Portuguese in Angola boiled the leaves with butter or olive oil to substitute it for spinach.
Whites ginger is a substantial vine and easy to grow. Mondia is probably frost-sensitive. The natural habitat is moist forest or rainforest. The plant prefers well-drained fertile soil and will climb onto a trellis or into a tree.
I did have flowers on my plants but not fruit has formed so far.
I have got bigger plants at the moment and they will most likely be sent bare-rooted. Please make sure you have a pot and some potting mix at hand!
Common names: White’s ginger, tonic root (Eng.); mundondo, mudondo (Angola); mundondo, bondo, molo busio (Cissongo – Central African Republic); nlondo, kimbiolongwa, kumba (Ngwaka – Democratic Republic of the Congo); ubasangbwandiya, gatimba (Lugware – Democratic Republic of the Congo); mujimbaye (Tshiluba – Democratic Republic of the Congo); lacadje (Fula – Guinea Bissau); mkombela (Kenya); citumbulo (Malawi); umondi, mundi, mindi (Zulu); sedando omutona (Uganda) and mungurawu (Shona Zimbabwe).