Food Forest Plants

Food Forest Plants

Chilean Myrtle, Arrayan, Luma apiculata

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Chilean Myrtle plant a pretty evergreen shrub with yummy fruit.


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They ran out for online sales but bigger plants are available at the nursery.

Chilean myrtle is a very pretty addition to your garden and the novel fruit actually tastes nice. Luma originates from the temperate forests of Chile and Argentina, especially along water courses.

The evergreen and self-fertile luma grows quite slow and is suitable for a pot also. It grows 3-5 meters, but in the wild it can reach 20 meters. Can be used as a hedge.

The leaves and the flowers are used medicinally as a stimulating, tonic, diuretic, anticatarrhal and astringent. This means that it is a good remedy both for losing weight or maintaining weight, for relieving cold and flu symptoms, and for providing energy.

Soil: Well-drained, acidic, rich in organic matter, moist, likes mulch.

Position: Woodland Garden Sunny Edge; Dappled Shade; Hedge.
Climate: USDA zone 8-11 withstands Katoomba winters with ease.

Other names:
Myrtus apiculata, Myrtus luma, Arrayan, Chilean Myrtle, Orange Bark Myrtle, Soap Bark Tree, myrtle, red myrtle, Chilean myrtle or palo colorado.