First of all: kalanchoe is an amazing and potent medicinal herb, but it is also a very weedy plant. If you want to grow it, grow it in a pot and put the pot on a hard surface, we want the medicinal benefits but not a weed problem!
Kalanchoe (in a pot and on a concrete surface) is very ornamental and used to be a common indoor plant.
Kalanchoe is a succulent and prefers drier climates and free-draining soil but it survived both wet and clay. It is easy to overwinter inside in frosty winters.
There are many accounts of its medicinal potency, from being anti-cancer to curing high blood pressure, healing wounds, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, periodontitis, flu, cold and more.
Ask your health practitioner about using and dosing because the plant also contains bufadienolide, a cardiac glycoside that may cause toxicity if it is ingested in large quantities.
Otherwise, the leaves are macerated, soaked in water, and then used as a shampoo, which would be worth trying.