Food Forest Plants

Food Forest Plants

Mexican Mint, Cuban Oregano, Mother of herbs, Five-In One Herb, Coleus amboinicus, Plectranthus amboinicus

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Fast-growing, sprawling herb with relaxing properties and exotic kitchen ingredient.


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Five-in-one herb is a massive sprawling robust herb for sun or shade. The fleshy leaves are insect-repelling and have a very strong aroma. They can be used in place of oregano but are also used in special Indian recipes.

Cuban Oregano is also called Vick’s plant and likes moisture, semi-shade or a sunny position and can’t cope with frost. It can also be grown as an indoor-plant.

It looks great in rockeries or as a filler under trees.

The tea is used to relieve sore throat, and respiratory illnesses. It is anti-bacterial, antiseptic, reduces inflammation and is said to have bronchodilator activity. The leaves are frequently utilized in the treatment of urinary diseases in the Amazon and India. This species is also reported to relieve kidney troubles, treat vaginal discharges and is drunk after childbirth. In folk medicine the leaves were also used against cancer.


Common Names: Caribbean Oregano, County Borage, Cuban Oregano, French Thyme, Indian Borage, Indian Mint, Mexican Mint, Spanish Thyme,Vick’s Plant, hortela da folha grande, hung chanh, Indian borage, Indian mint, jamaika, kaloni, kapparillaaku, karpooravalli, karpuravalli, kryddkarlbergare, Mexican mint, Mexican thyme, mother of herbs, omavalli, oregano brujo, oregano de Cartagena, oregano poleo, orielle, panikoorka, pasiole, patharcur, pathorchur, patta ajavayin, poor man pork, pudina, Queen of herbs, rukuna haatapochhaa, saviara sambara, slok krahs, soup mint, suganda, tan day la.