Food Forest Plants

Food Forest Plants

Aztec Sweet Herb, Phyla scaberrima, Phyla Dulcis, Lippia Dulcis

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Intensely sweet groundcover, easy to grow.


4 in stock

Intensely sweet taste with a hint of mint. 

However, this herb has to be used very sparingly, because of the presence of camphor. Apparently, the different strains contain different levels of camphor or none at all. As usual, most texts seem to be copied from other websites and there seems to be little verifiable information available. If you know more about this issue, I really would like to know.

Aztec sweet herb was used by the Aztecs as an expectorant for the treatment of cough, asthma, bronchitis and as an abortifacient. Definitively unsafe for pregnant and nursing women! It is also unsafe for children.

Aztec sweet herb likes full sun, well-drained soil and is not frost-hardy.

It looks very nice in a hanging basket.

Common names: Yierba dulce, yierba buena, neuctixihuitl, Tzonpelic xihuitl, orozuz, orozul, salvia santa, corronchoco.